Hi, I’m Ezra.
I’m an ally in your journey to discover, reimagine, reinvent and deepen your relationship with your body.

Your body has a universe to share with you.
Your body has a consciousness and creativity of its own, one that is rich with wisdom and poetry that it is all too willing to share. As mental health reaches crisis levels, there’s been an explosion in products and services promising solutions. I know first-hand how overwhelming it can be to navigate all of this and figure out what is right for you. But it doesn’t have to be. Your body is an infallible compass. If you build a relationship with it, it will not only show you what paths to take but also invent new paths that are uniquely your own.

I offer 1:1 coaching to help you connect to the somatic intelligence that already resides within you.
Think of me like a couples therapist between you and your body. I don't take sides. I help you bring your requests to your body. I help you listen to and understand what your body is saying. And I hold space as you and your body negotiate and relate.
Most of my clients begin simply with a question or an inner stirring. Some have chronic pain or are rehabilitating from a surgery. Others just have a vague intuitive sense that they are neglecting their body in some important way despite checking all the boxes of eating well and exercising. Some want to optimize athletic performance and lifestyle. Others just want to scratch their curiosity about the somatic universe.
I’m here for all of it.

My Somatic Toolkit
I pull from a wide range of movement systems, somatic methods, healing modalities and philosophical frameworks to help you discover your own unique way of connecting & working with your body.

How It Works
We have an honest conversation. We explore how you feel about your body. I share what I know and answer your questions as best as I can.
If there’s alignment between us, I ask that you commit to 3 sessions with me so that we can do some experimenting and experience tangible changes.
We curate a pathway tailored to you and your goals. Sometimes this involves a regular commitment and sometimes we improvise session-by-session.

The body has been the greatest guiding compass for my life. Now, it is also the message I share.
Over the last 15 years, I have immersed myself in a wide array of movement systems, martial forms, somatic practices, healing modalities and philosophical frameworks ranging the full spectrum from modern to ancient, scientific to esoteric.
After completing military service in Singapore, I pursued an education in dance. That eventually took me to NYC where I had a decade-long career. As the number of companies I worked for and cities I toured increased, so did my injuries. Seeking solutions to my physical pains eventually led to emotional wounds, the emotional wounds to spiritual turmoil and the spiritual turmoil to gaping existential curiosities. Turns out that the true gateway drug for me was a strained hip flexor.
Through these explorations, I’ve come to believe that every modality points to the same universal truth in the body. Some modalities point to it with the precision of technique and knowledge, others invite people to meander towards it with poetry and creativity. Each is a valid expression of that truth. But depending on who is receiving that truth, it can either be enlightening or deeply confusing. My greatest passion is to help people navigate all that information and feel confident in their exploration of their own body.

Let’s Begin.
Whether or not we believe in an eternal soul, this meat sack is our vehicle for this life.
I’d love to help you make it feel like home.